Tuesday 19 May 2009

Will Little in the Guardian

Psychic Tourist author William Little writes on the Guardian's Comment is Free site today:

Britain's psychic turn
Far from becoming more sceptical, the British are turning in increasing numbers to psychics, spiritualists and tarot readers

Belief in Britain today is not encouraged at the pulpit, but in psychic's parlours, where ordinary people believe they can communicate directly with the dead and see into the future. By concentrating on mainstream religion, sceptics ignore the fact that a majority of people's beliefs are being reinforced by those claiming to have psychic powers. The priests of belief are not preaching on Sunday mornings, but every day of the week in psychic shops and on premium-rate telephone lines. Belief has been decentralised and contracted out to the psychic sector.

Click here for more.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Psychics:today's priests?

Belief in Britain today is not encouraged at the pulpit, witnessed by decreasing congregation sizes, but in the psychic booth, where ordinary people believe they are creating a direct communication with the dead and their future. The priests of belief are not preaching on Sunday mornings, but every day of the week in psychic shops and on premium rate telephone lines. Belief has been decentralised and contracted out to the psychic sector.

The Psychic Tourist – A Voyage into the Curious World of Predicting the Future is a tale of one man’s attempts to question his belief in psychics and astrologers following a prediction of his sister’s death.

In a book that answers the unanswerable about what science, psychics, and crystal balls can reveal about tomorrow, William Little lifts the lid on the most sought-after destination of them all – the future. Through a rollercoaster ride of mystics, mishaps and mayhem, Little even discovers uncomfortable facts that make him reassess his own beliefs. In the vein of Jon Ronson and Louis Theroux, THE PSYCHIC TOURIST will appeal in the way it offers an unparalleled insight into an endlessly fascinating subject.

Friday 27 March 2009

The Psychic Tourist by William Little


Can people really see into the future? Can someone's life be predicted? Are physicists on the verge of discovering the first time machine? And why does a Nobel prize-winning scientist believe that humans are capable of sensing danger before it happens?

Following a prediction of his sister’s death, William Little sets out to find the truth about the power of fortune telling and prophecy. On a journey that takes him to a witches’ coven in a haunted wood, on the hunt for murderers with psychic detectives and to the doorsteps of the world’s most powerful and revered psychics, William Little goes on a desperate quest to find out whether people can see into the future – or if the many millions who consult horoscopes, listen to psychics on TV, or who read Nostradamus are simply being sold a lie.

Through a rollercoaster ride of mystics, mishaps and mayhem, he discovers uncomfortable facts that make him reassess his beliefs. In a book that answers the unanswerable about what science, psychics, and crystal balls can reveal about tomorrow, William Little lifts the lid on the most sought-after destination of them all – the future.